Solomon’s General Store: Captain and Crew Outfits

Player-owned ports have arrived to sate the seafaring swashbuckler in all of us, and I’ve stocked my store with the perfect complement: captain and crew outfits!portsplcaps-11170512.png

No budding harbourmaster should take to their post without looking the part, either as one of a vessel’s motley crew or as its intrepid captain. These aquatic ensembles arrive in both eastern and western styles to suit the eclectic tastes of the modern mariner.

To complete the maritime style, gentleman adventurers should consider the Admiral Wig and two buccaneering beards: Cap’n’s Blackbeard and the Full Manchu. Ladies, never fear – I’ve three exclusive new hairstyles now available from my store: the Rogue Occultist, the Crescent Assassin and the Death Lotus Assassin.

All of these oceanic outfits are available now from my store. Do you have any queries regarding my distinguished boutique? I’m confident you’ll find an answer in the comprehensive FAQ, found here.

If you’ve yet to visit my establishment, why not drop in and receive 200 RuneCoins absolutely free? Remember that if you wish to purchase additional RuneCoins, you can do so here or by clicking ‘Buy RuneCoins’ inside my store. Don’t forget that I offer a 10% discount to all members.