MapleStory : Champion Update Now Live

MapleStory : Champion Update Now Live

Nexon has announced that the latest MapleStory update, Champion, is now live on all servers. The Champion update brings revamped Warrior, Magician, Bowman, and Legends characters into the game as well as the Battle Arena. The Champions update’s reveals powerfully revamped characters. Players who enjoy playing as a Warrior will find that the Warrior’s mobility and overall attack has been improved. The Magician now has increased damage and range, along with lower cool times for certain skills. Those who prefer ranged attacks as a Bowman will now enjoy an increased damage output and no longer have to summon Frostprey and Phoenix, now passive buffs.Maple Story mesos. Lastly, Canoneer, Mercedes, and Demon Slayer, who are all Legends characters, are stronger and deal higher damage against their opponents.

MapleStory : New Classes & Town Added

Nexon and MapleStory devs have announced that two new character classes and a new town have been added to the game with the second installment of the Big Bang update. The two new classes are ranged fighters called the Wild Hunter and the Battle Mage. The new town, Edelstein, is a tech hub and offers players new quests and the opportunity to join the resistance to defeat a cult seeking to overthrown the town’s defenses. In addition to the new changes to MapleStory, players looking for some holiday cheer are now able to visit Happyville and participate in the annual Maple Christmas Tree Event. As an added bonus, on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. PST, a double experience and enemy item drop event will take place. Lastly, the second Hot Time event will be taking place on Wed., Dec. 22, from 2:00 – 2:01 p.m. PST. Maple Story mesos. Players logged in at this time will receive an SP Reset Scroll, a box from Cassandra with a random item, and a chance to win one of several prizes valued at 5,000 and 10,000 NX. Players are encouraged to log in early and participate in the 2X EXP and drop from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. PST to ensure Hot Time participation.