30 +1 teleport
Question: i am making a ice lighting mage and i wanna know how does this skill build sound plz keep in mind i did not look at a skill build guide
30 +1 teleport31 – 40 + 30 cold beam41 – 55 30+ thunder + 15 mpeater (2 on thunder 1 on mp eater every lvl)56 + 3 mpeater57 + 2mpeater + 1 meditate58 – 63 + 18 meditate64 + 1 meditate + 2 teleport65 – 70 + 17 teleport and my last point will go to slow or a random 1st class skill
Answer 1:
You should max Thunderbolt first. It will provide faster training.I personally did Thunderbolt > Cold Beam > Meditation > Teleport > 18 Slow. You could probably change Slow to MP Eater if you prefer that, but keep in mind that Slow is a generally useful bossing skill and it should have some sort of SP investment at the very least by the end of 3rd job.
Answer 2:Definitely max Thunderbolt before Cold Beam.If you are going to get Meditation, I suggest to max it second to last with Slow being last.You should max Slow in 2nd job by skipping over Meditation or MPE.
My recommendation:
Teleport 1MPE 1Max ThunderboltMax Teleport/MPEMax Teleport/MPEMax Cold BeamMax SlowMeditation 1
Answer 3:Yep kirby and ravkin got it down basically.
Just some advice from my point of view. MPE isn’t really completely useful for i/l’s. Its very useful at times but not very consistent. But if you want a good pot and money saver max it. But meditation is very useful and used throughout lvl 30+ to 120+. They both save money but MPE saves more. In the end it all depends on if you want to save more money or not having to buy m. att pots. I say either one is very nice. I recommend maxing slow though.
Answer 4: I/L’s freeze so i would skip over slow completely, you wont NEED it, pretty much a waste of points IMO because your gonna wanna train on stuff that your ice is neutral or does 1.5x damage on, those monsters freeze making slow pointless.
Answer 5:Wizard Elixirs.
I personally prefer Meditation because this lets me save a slot in my inventory for potions/other (I’m a cheap kind of person who isn’t going to be buying any extra use slots any time soon). Also, Meditation looks pretty.
Personally I would peg MP Eater as the least useful skill in 2nd job: you only really need it to be at level 3 for its effect to give you a positive gain at the one training area that “necessitates” it (Firebrands, but people don’t really train there anymore; they’re just at Red Kents or Vikerolas until a point in 8x where they can start Galloperas nowadays). Cold Beam would probably be the second most useless skill for 2nd job because all the areas that people trained on with Cold Beam are undermined by areas that you train with Thunderbolt (e.g Birks are slower than Vikerolas), but you clearly want Cold Beam maxed, so I would probably drop MP Eater if I were you, but once again this isn’t necessary given the way things are right now; you could just leave Slow for 3rd job (after Big Bang you will have to get Slow in 2nd job if you want to ever get it so be careful).