How do you feel when you’ve played Maplestory for two hours and all you have are a measly 2000 mesos? Just theway I did: Like it

wasn’t enough. Well, you’re right, it isn’t enough. You’ve probably figured out that you don’t know the right way to making tons ofmesos fast like everyone around you seems to. Well, if you want to do better, you’ve come to the right place.
Often, Maplers quit playing because it’s “too hard” to make enough mesos in order to survive. But, there are some
easy tricks you can use that nobody else think of when they stop playing. Here, I have 4 Easy Tips on Making
* Pick Up All Drops
* Pick Up Other People’s Abandoned Drops
* Use the Free Market as Often as Possible
* Do Quests for Extra Experience and Mesos
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